Expanding Horizons

God is expanding my horizons.....My life is in the hands of Jesus....

Yes indeed..We have a God who sees it all.....whether you are suffering.....slipping and going
off-track....He is watching over you....He has held me and I know that I am rooted in Him, even
though the enemy surrounds me....I will be victorious with Christ on my side.....The Lord fights
the battle for us when we give our trust to Him fully....He will not let the temptations be more
than we can resist.......and even if we fail...He will not condemn us....Oh, how loving and merciful are you,O Lord unto a wretched sinner like me!!!You never let go of me...even when I let you
down.....Help me O God to be worthy of you.......Mould me so that I may be like you........
I need you,Lord......I am weary and helpless without you!!!!My strength faileth me,if Thou are not with me......Lord you are the one who seeth the heart not the outward appearance....I love you Lord......for in You I have found satisfaction...Help me to be satisfied in You always, no matter what the circumstance........Amen...

Why don't you give Him
All your fears,
Why don't you let Him
Dry all of your tears?
He knows,
He's been through pain before;
And He knows
All that you've been looking for.
So be.......

So,be strong and take courage,
Do not fear or be dismayed;

For the Lord will go before you,
And His light will show the way.
So,be strong and take courage,
Do not fear or be dismayed;
For the One who lives within you,
Will be strong in you today!!!

Well suprisingly enough....my friends(all hindus) started a conversation about "ghosts" and all sorts of things.......I listened for a while and I told them when they asked me that though I don't
believe in anything such as "ghosts" exist.......evil spirits definitely do......I don't why but I also blurted out that no evil spirit can touch me as I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ.....
Ofcourse they didn't get it....so I told them how my Lord had died and since sin had no power on His sinless being,He resurrected and the keys of death and hell are in His hands!!!!!!!!
I also very honestly said,"I don't fear death either".......They just listened...some were probably
amazed why I had such confidence....Well why shoudn't I????
All I said was indeed what I truly believe.......My hope is not empty,it's full of expectation...........
Like a beatiful article I just read.....it said the Lord is like a silversmith refining us(disciplining)
till we are so pure and He can see HIS image in us...........What a beautiful thought!!!
Oh,Lord.......work in me.....heat me up......burn every dirt in my life.........till I can perfectly reflect
you......It may take long Lord.......but don't stop....even though the body may stumble due to weakness,the spirit is willing.........!! Amen...

Purify my heart
Let me be as gold
And precious silver
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold,pure gold

Refiner's fire
My heart's one desire is to be holy
Set apart for You,Lord
I choose to be holy,
Set apart for you my Master,
Ready to do your will.

There's a peace that floods my soul

When the Spirit of the Lord

Is in control

And there's a joy

No bounds can hold,

When the Spirit blows a fresh wind

Through my soul

Holy Spirit flow through me;

Touch my heart and there will,

There will be.....

Such joy!Such unspeakable joy,

Such peace,an everlasting peace;

Such love,a pure and holy love,

Spirit have your way in me.

Truly....there is so much peace and joy when the Lord is in control...
Even if your day is not going the way you planned it to go or some things
happpen when you never expected them.....There is such peace when you
realise God is in control and all one has to do is to run to Him.........
Beginning to realise in little measures how the Holy Spirit can lead you
and guide you......Amazing and so refreshing............I never can forget God's
goodness.......He chose me even when I rejected Him rebelliously.............
There is nothing good in me.....it's His grace and mercy.....The Lord's name is
to be praised....Oh.....Lord,I take this moment to thank you for your love and grace
in my life without which I would have perished.....I have no word's to express in my
limited vocabulary...but I'll just end with..."I love you,Jesus"...Amen....

Well yet another new chapter in my life begins...college life........!!
Just after orientation itself I have seen the campus life and realized..
right from day one....as a Christian it's going to be a fight.......
Being different is easy when you have others but when you are alone..
that's the test.....when no one is there to check you...........
This song truly is the cry of my heart as I enter a different world......

Take my life and let it be
Consecrated Lord to Thee;
Take my moments and my days
Let them flow in ceaseless praise,

Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love;
Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee.

Take my voice and let me sing
Always only for my King;
Take my lips and let them be
Filled with messages from Thee.

Take my will and make it Thine
It shall be no longer mine;
Take my heart it is Thine own
It shall be Thy royal throne.

Take my love,my Lord I pour
At Thy feet its treasure store;
Take myself and I will be
Ever only all for Thee.

Oh,Lord.......all the things that affect me as a young person
I give it to you....Use it as you may.........Amen

Can I truly say that I am fully satisfied in my Lord....There is nothing in this world that I desire but my Lord...Honestly no I can't .....atleast not yet......But that is what my Lord wants....
He wants my complete devotion,my affection,my love and my all.......Oh,Lord please take me away from these wordly pleasures....tempted I may be at every moment,tossed about with different choices.....even though it may take time Lord...don't stop the work that you have begun...the evil one walks about like a roaring lion...but with you Lord..I am more than a conqueror!!! Amen

I'm pressing on the upward way,
New heights I'm gaining everyday;
Still praying as I onward bound,
"Lord,plant my feet on higher ground."

Lord,lift,me up,and let me stand
By faith on heaven's tableland;
A higher plane than I have found,
Lord,plant my feet on higher ground.

I want to live above the world,
Though Satan's darts at me are hurled;
For faith has caught the joyful sound,
The song of saints on higher ground.

I want to scale the utmost height
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I'll pray till heaven I've found,
"Lord.lead me on to higher ground."

There are those days in one's life when you feel what whole lot of waste of time it was..............
when nothing seems to be right........It's just one of those days again today......When I've
openly felt hostility because I'm a Christian........when I was openly snubbed,used and thrown......strong word's aren't they.....that's exactly how I feel today.....It's not the first time that people have looked down upon me because I love the Lord...it's just this time there was a difference..I know it's a privilege to be hated by the world because that's one of the criteria God has put down to be His.......isn't it?...am sure it is.........Even if I may have not preached or even spoken a word,I know the Lord was there with me.....even if I feel I have accomplished nothing...just the fact that the Lord was with me is enough.......O Lord,please take me to higher ground....take me away from earthly things.i can't do it myself but you can........My life is in your hands......Amen......

God Our Father - Faithful, Merciful and True
For the LORD your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your forefathers, which he confirmed to them by oath.
Deuteronomy 4:31 NIV

Just as I am without one plea
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
and that Thou biddst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God I come,I come

Just as I am waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God I come,I come.

Just as I am though tossed about
With many a conflict,many a doubt,
Fighting's and fears within,without,
O Lamb of God I come, I come.

Just as I am Thy love unknown
Hath broken every barrier down;
Now to be Thine,yeah Thine alone,
Oh Lamb of God I come,I come.

There are some moments in life when you are misunderstood,you don't know why it
happens but He does.....yes ,the Lord does......Is it easy for me as a mere human to accept
the discipline of God.....even if that would mean being a NOTHING!!a failure, a loser, a nobody
in other people's eyes......Yes with God's grace it is possible.......For I know my Lord will not give me more than I can endure......He has said His yoke is easy....it truly is!!All I have to do is just give in......The Lord has made me realise a few days back that I am not important....He is..........
I am just His tool and He has every right to sharpen His tool to be used whenever He wants to....
He really is a wonderful God........He is my comforter my healer....Even when I am tossed about
with confusion,fear or sorrow......I know and I can feel He's there in the vessel....so even though
the storms come I will never sink..I believe that.....Amen......

Looking Unto Jesus: He's Got You & Me...In His Hand!
Looking unto Jesus! Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Titus 2:13 KJV

I recently saw a video about a Christian believer called R. Wurmbrand........who was persecuted and tortured for 14 years by solitary confinement when the Communist regime of Russia conquered Rumania......He is also the founder of the Voice of Martyrs.......He was imprisoned for preaching the gospel.......There surrounded by the grey walls of the prison,Richard after many years of confinement.......was very tired,spiritually,emotionally and physically......He had forgotten there were other colours than grey and there were other sounds other than silence.....
He had forgotten that the sun,moon,stars and flowers exist...............In the midst of torture,he
cried out to God.....He asked God to speak to Him directly because he had no-one to talk to........
N God did and asked him a very strange question.........God asked,"What is your name?".........
Richard Wurmbrand was very confused......surely Almighty God who had created him would know his name........When he had expected words of comfort....God had asked him this.............
He was scared to tell God that his name was Richard,because he had heard of a great saint called by the same name who had been killed for Christ's name.......He dare not tell he was a preacher either...........Finally he told God,"I have no name,help me to bear your name!!"...............

Amazing but true............Richard Wurmbrand after 14yrs of torture realised he was NOTHING!!
and God was everything.......I was so challenged by this testimony.....truly Jesus deserves that kind of loyalty and even more............O God.......give me that kind of strength to endure for your name's sake when I have to.....Amen....