Expanding Horizons

God is expanding my horizons.....My life is in the hands of Jesus....

Today I had the most sweetest times in many days with my Lord...I was all alone at home feeling very dejected and sad for one reason or the other..As I began crying out to the Lord with tears asking Him for a new experience...a little closer walk..My tears overflowed into a song...

I don't know where I am going Lord..
I don't know why it seems so dark..
I just know there's a longing Lord.
Give your strength and your power


Coz' I wanna walk this road you set
Coz' I wanna walk the road you trod..
I'm just a lonely wanderer...
Seeking your will my conquerer!

When my life is bleak and lost
When to the sea of tear's am tossed
Don't let let me sink..
Oh,hold my hand,make me walk..

Yes...LOrd.Only on you do I depend...When I am sinking in the pond of despair..you lift me up and fill me with heavenly joy again...LOVE U LORD!!!

There are times when we step into those phases of life which seem so blank,dark,full of nothingness.I know it coz I'm going through one of those wilderness of testing times....Its painful,its hard,knocks you down,makes your knees go weak,makes you crawl....
I know its in these times the Lord selects His faithful..When there's plenty,when there is happiness, when there are loved ones to support and fellowship with,it all seems so easy; but when there's no one around,there's just you and your Creator with the evil one tugging the rope of your life with false illusions of a mirage of watery joy in your deserted moments...thats when you have to stand!! There's still hope,there's still joy,there's a reason to sing...Coz He's my king!! Amen....
Even though the road may be hard and narrow..help Lord so I don't give-in or give up!!!
Coz God I don't ask you to make my life easy but I do ask you to make me strong!!!Amen....