Expanding Horizons

God is expanding my horizons.....My life is in the hands of Jesus....

Though writing after a gap I want to put forth all my struggles as I face the reality of a crazy world around me, away from the shelter of my home...but always knowing that HIS GRACE is sufficient above all.. through this poem to show despite it all the Lord was and will always will be there to carry me through till the end...

In the heartlessness of life
As I saw me like a disturbed bee-hive..
The thousand bees of disturbing thoughts let loose..
And this was coz' all I did was choose!
To live a life that would seem just..
Only to find that all around was lust!
The lust of the Spirit, the soul and the flesh..
Even though I know I'm among the blessed!!
 But there are times that life seems cursed!
The sweet venom that flows around..
Waiting to engulf when I seem to touch ground...
Wishing for a stop would be a wish to die..
Which I know is the serpent's biggest lie..

As I gaze upon Heavenly shores..
The earthly cares grow dim evermore..
Holding onto the Rock that'll never move!!
Like a climbing vine that needs a foundation that's true..
Whenever I'm down or when I'm blue..
I cling to You, Lord even when life holds no clue
Life can hurt, like an arrow through the heart!!
But the end of the spear is just the start!!
Of the work that You've begun in Your child..
It is my prayer, no matter how rough or wild..
That it'll be Your hand and presence that guides me through..
For at the end of the road it'll only be YOU !!


-Susanna Grace Johnson

The Lord has been speaking to me these days about how we get deceived along the Way in our spiritual lives...I too have fallen prey to this evil monster many a time but the grace of God endures and has lifetd me out of the miry clay on time!!!Praise God...The Lord's Word warns me ever more strongly as the time draws nigh for the Lord to return...The enemy sure comes like an angel of light but he only intends to steal, kill and destroy...
Dear Lord Jesus,
I ask you to preserve my life-spirit,soul and body from ever being contaminated from this venomous power of deception...Guard me,correct me,teach me and lead me by your grace!!!Amen..

This poem I wrote describes what I've learnt....so BEWARE Christian!!!

Many a child went astray..
Some came back and some just did sway!!
That path of death called 'deception bay'..
If you haven't heard then listen I say..
I've been a visitor there on that treachorous day..
Trapped by an angel of light who lay...
A path that seemed narrow like gold paint on clay..
I struggled, I fought till I finally found grace!!
And it twas grace that had me join back the race...
The Heavenly race that I was suppose to run..
Now that I'm onward with the soldier's stride..
I warn you of deception's ride!!
Beware O Christian! it's a deadly slow tide..
It starts as narrow but ends up so wide!!
A path to be forsaken, rejected and burnt!!
Don't ever let the feet of the gospel be turned..
To this path of doom, no never give no room..
Run like Joseph, flee from Lot's Sodom!!
Be a warrior,live like the Son!!
Coz' it'll be your Father who's finally won!!!!

Romans 5:20- But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more...(NASB)

Oh!!what a great God we serve!!!Amen

Through many situation I've faced in life I have learnt a forgiving heart goes a long way in healing hurts intentional or unintenional....we all have gone through situations where someone or the other let us down...the most painful when it comes from the people you'd never expect!! But holding that against someone in your heart sows only bitter seeds and eventually a bitter tree!!
Surely the Lord has shown us a very different way..May we find grace to be a people who forgive with all humility to be shining beacons for the Kingdom of God...
This poem i wrote describes what the Lord taught through some painful yet important lessons!!

If only we would let that self die..
Swallow that ego and His forgiveness lie....
If only we could let that fragrance of humility..
Become an odour that defines eternity..
If only we could let our brother win..
So that the world knows we're a kin..
Why do we need to prove to those along our road?
That we are somehow a better mould..
After all the struggle we have but the same goal..
Many times through life I've learnt..
We often forget that it was our Lord who had borne!!
It was coz' of His ultimate shame..
That now we are called by His Name..
Why do, O Christians, do we forget?
It's Jesus who loved when we first met!!
Why don't we then forgive and love like He said?
It's love that made Him go that far..
It's love that'll make His bride a star!!
Are you willing to make a start?
Oh! how He waits to see such a heart!!

Dear Jesus,help me to forgive and forget at all times no matter how hard it may seem on the outside..I know and trust You will give me the grace!! Amen..

Just wanted to share a poem that came from the depth of my experience of sorrows and regrets but oh what a blessed assurance that we have in Jesus!!

Thoughts led to all that I am..
I saw what makes all that I have..
Sometimes in life we mess the plan that He had,
Making only the enemy glad..
Why is it so hard to believe?
Even though we often receive;
A Word of correction, sometimes a cheer..
Why then not let Him our ships to steer?
I found my answers in my fears..
Many a time its coz' our insides..
Takes stands for both the sides..
How then can one anchor when there is a tide?
All along this heart had been listening to lies..
Forming all those unwanted ties..
I've learnt my lesson with some regret..
That even though we miss what we get..
Our Lord is ever willing to untangle the net...
Just keep onto Him your eyes set!!
Believe you me,coz' I know He'll handle the rest!!!

The human heart above all is very deceitful as the Bible very clearly says...we need to guard our hearts in this era of deception...Yes, Lord I want you to tkae full control of the reins of my heart...Don't let it go its way!! Amen..