Expanding Horizons

God is expanding my horizons.....My life is in the hands of Jesus....

There are many times in our lives we don't realise why things happen they way they do.......

Yesterday I heard my grandma was ill and mom was so upset......I was worried but I prayed and I felt a peace that God is in control.......He really was .........We prayed for grandma as a church too.......N paise God....she was much better in the morning......n the most amazin thing is that she gave God the glory despite not being a believer...........these little things in life are the small but significant encouragements that God gives us..........As a believer I must see God's hand in all things,His purposes being fulfilled in all situations..........
Praise be to God.................who leads us in His triumph!!!!As a Christian we have nothing to lose......For in Christ we are more than conquerors!!!!!!May the will of God be fulfilled in our lives............