Expanding Horizons

God is expanding my horizons.....My life is in the hands of Jesus....

There was a time last week when some situation broke my heart.....I had to say goodbye to some of my dearest brother's and sister's in the Lord...Oh,Lord only you understand my pain....but I won't complain because you have given me so much in return..
This poem that I wrote was that I wrote in despair and much sorrow but it is my faith and strong belief that the Lord will restore Jerusalem.....The breaches will be repaired...Yes,Lord...do as you will.Amen
Have the heart's become cold.
Has ambition made em' bold.
Prejudice has made brother's hate.
In this world all this is true.
But what do you do when the Church wants to mate,
With the fallen systems of this heath.
Oh such pain it does give my heart.
When whom I thought was family does sham,
Sending by semaphore to the ruler of this world,
Giving the serpent the last laugh.
Oh what have we come to,my dear pilgrims in this Christian walk,
We have missed the road that was narrow
slipped onto another path slightly broader,
The time has come to hasten
To our hassock and cry to the Lord..
So that He'll save us before the devil can harry,
And turn the Holy Bride of Christ into a harlot..
Oh may this never happen....
When oh bretheren,will you hearken????


God help us all to hear your voice...this is my only plea....


He makes things beautiful in His time.........

Who am I, O Lord Jehovah?
And what is my house,
that You have brought me here?
- David ben Jesse

O' who am I?

O' that I would see
As the Lord would see
The beam in mine
And not the spec.
Like the prophets of old
Who bared their neck
As they saw HIS glory;
No pros and con,
No explanations
Just HIM alone.
O' who am I?

Who is Paul and who is Appolous
Aren't they just saints like all
Or Moses,
Was there a man like him HE writes.
"Who is on Jehovahs side',
He had asked,
Who cared not for his own,
As the inheritance was auctioned;
No one saw, no one heard
God was all in all
For God had done it all.
O' who am I?

I have heard HIS voice
I have counted the cost
And though the clouds may blind
Yet believe I will
Neither bless nor curse
Humbled by what I am
As a deer that pants for water
I lay it all at the altar
My reasoning and my emotions
What I am and what I have
And what I want
Count it all but loss, just dung.
O' who am I?

For I am Korah's son.