Expanding Horizons

God is expanding my horizons.....My life is in the hands of Jesus....

There have been many times that I have heard this verse and it's not till recently that it's actual meaning dawned on me with full force....MANY are CALLED but only a FEW are chosen...sends shivers down my spine when I look back and realize how many times I have disappointed my Lord by my rebellion and still do....But this makes me cling to my Saviour even more cos I've learned that it is IMPOSSIBLE in my strength but in His strength everything is POSSIBLE...Amen...
Every Christian is called for an unique task to accomplish....One must never let satan deceive us that we're not good enough....I believed that lie sometime back but not any more...
Today I stand at a fork in the road of my life...there are many roads but I know there is only one narrow road....It's not an easy path....There are many sacrifices...yes even some good things may have to go....Right now I feel I can't endure but I just keep my eyes fixed on the One who chose me, loved me and understood me like nobody in this world ever will !!!

Oh,dear Jesus I know I can't do it myself....I don't understand so many things Lord but I know you're in control....Thankyou so much for being so patient with me...I really do wanna be among those who are CHOSEN but I can't do it alone...I need you Lord..Keep me in the Jesus way... keep me in that narrow path that you trod.....It's all about you Lord...Thankyou for making my life so meaningful and full of hope...Make me a faithful servant Master....Amen

No matter how hard the situation may seem... every true Christian should take inspiration from this quote..... "When the going gets tough,the tough get going" Amen...


hi susie,
thanks for updating your blog. it really encouraged me to endure and keeping going even the going gets tough cause we are going to be strong women by the end of it.

Psa 3:2 Many are saying of my soul, There is no deliverance for him in God. Selah.
Psa 3:3 But You, O Jehovah, are a shield for me; my glory, the One who lifts up my head.
Psa 3:4 I cried to Jehovah with my voice, and He heard me out of His holy hill. Selah.

Press on dear saints, HE who has started a good work in us WILL COMPLETE IT.
HE alone is our morning star, our compass.

Let's press on to perection and be among the CHOSEN ONES!!