Expanding Horizons

God is expanding my horizons.....My life is in the hands of Jesus....

I was so humbled and blessed by my dad's love letter to me....Thankyou Daddy for leading me to Jesus by your life....YOU ARE MY HERO!!!!I love you...In Heaven I believe when the Lord sees me and Rose, He will look at you and say, "Well,done....good and faithful servant!!"....

Dearest Susannamol,

You are most beautiful like Jesus. I saw this tiny little Jesus in one of the rooms in St Stephen's Hospital. I looked through the tiny window of the nursery but.............It was JUST A BABY GIRL for my human eyes.Then again, beyond the eyes of flesh there appeared eyes of the Spirit and I saw a little Jesus longing to manifest His glory .I became a servant of the Lord who doesn't see what his eyes suggest, who doesn't hear what his ears suggest, who doesn't think what his mind suggests. The devil protested "It's not He but me", but I continued as the Lord's servant.Whenever I looked at my daughter I saw JESUS.Then passed many days,weeks, months and years. Was that JESUS ? "No" protested the devil, "It's not He but me" but I continued as His servant and delighted with His words unlike Thomas "Blessed are those who believe without seeing".

Finally came the verdict. Who was right????? I hushed as I waited. Who was right?????

It was the Lord Who was right and the devil was wrong.

Dear Lord....
According to Your word be it unto me!!!